A Comprehensive Guide to Airbnb Cleaning Checklist

Airbnb has revolutionized the hospitality industry by providing a platform for homeowners to rent out their properties on a short-term basis. As an Airbnb host, one of your primary responsibilities is ensuring that your property is clean and well-maintained for every guest. This not only guarantees positive reviews but also enhances the overall guest experience. Therefore, having a detailed cleaning checklist is essential in ensuring that all areas of your property are spotless and ready for occupancy at any given time.

Why You Need An Airbnb Cleaning Checklist

A comprehensive cleaning checklist serves as a guide to ensure nothing gets overlooked during the cleaning process. It helps maintain consistency in cleanliness standards, which plays a significant role in securing positive feedback from guests. Moreover, this list can be handed over to professional cleaners or staff members if you’re not personally taking care of the cleaning.

The Ultimate Airbnb Cleaning Checklist

This checklist provides an exhaustive look at all areas that need attention during each cleanup after guests check out.

Living Room:

– Dust and wipe all surfaces including tables, chairs and shelves.
– Vacuum couches and chairs.
– Clean under furniture.
– Wipe down electronics with appropriate cleaner.
– Sweep/vacuum/mop floors.


– Wipe down all countertops.
– Clean inside/outside of microwave.
– Clean stove top and oven.
– Empty refrigerator/freezer; wipe them down inside/outside
– Wash dishes or run dishwasher
-Sweep/vacuum/mop floors


-Clean toilet (inside/out)
-Wash shower/bathtub thoroughly
-Wipe mirrors with glass cleaner
-Clean sink/counter area
-Replenish toiletries (toilet paper, soap)
-Sweep/vacuum/mop floors


-Strip beds and launder linens
-Dust furniture
-Wipe down mirrors with glass cleaner
-Vacuum carpets/mop floors

Outdoor Areas (if applicable):

-Sweep porch/patio areas
-Clean outdoor furniture
-Empty trash cans

Remember to also check and replace, if necessary, items such as light bulbs, batteries for smoke detectors, air filters etc.

Maintaining High Cleaning Standards

To maintain high cleaning standards and ensure guest satisfaction:
1. Use Quality Cleaning Supplies: Invest in quality cleaning supplies that are effective and safe. Avoid harsh chemicals that may cause allergic reactions.
2. Regular Deep Cleans: Schedule regular deep cleans for your property to maintain it in top condition.
3. Hire Professional Cleaners: If you’re unable to handle the cleaning yourself due to time constraints or other reasons, hire professional cleaners who specialize in Airbnb properties.
4. Update Your Checklist Regularly: As you receive feedback from guests or notice areas of improvement yourself, update your checklist regularly.

In conclusion, a well-maintained Airbnb property is key to attracting more guests and receiving positive reviews. By adhering to a comprehensive cleaning checklist after each guest’s stay ensures that every corner of your property receives the attention it needs. Remember – cleanliness is not just about aesthetics; it directly impacts the health and safety of your guests too!